Classic massage


It is classical massage that is the fundamental basis from which the training of a massage therapist begins.

It is worth emphasizing that, in addition to all other advantages, classical massage courses include the study of indications and contraindications, hygiene basics, classical massage techniques, such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, percussion, shaking and vibration techniques, the future masseur begins get acquainted with the body, begins to learn to listen to his hands and identify various problematic points on the body of his client.



Classical massage training program:

History of origin and development of massage.
Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
The influence of massage on the human body and its systems.
The structure of massage, systems, types, methods, forms.
Indications and contraindications for massage.
Hygienic basics of classical massage.
Requirements for the room where the massage procedure is performed (temperature, humidity, equipment).
Requirements for a massage therapist requirements for the patient. Ergonomics of the massage therapist. Stance, position, movements of the massage therapist when performing massage, the use of the most rational movements.
Reception rubbing: effects on the body, types of reception, guidelines for its implementation.
Reception kneading: impact on the body, types of reception, guidelines for its implementation.
Reception vibration: impact on the body, types of reception, guidelines for its implementation.
Active and passive movements: effects on the body, types of reception, guidelines for its implementation.
Technique and technique of massage of various parts of the body.